Newcastle Away Tickets & Coach: Yet Further Update

Morning Gooners!

We are putting the final touches together for the Newcastle game over this weekend. There is a lot of work in the detail this so bear with us.
    • Everyone who requested a ticket will have one and that includes all guests requests through members.
    • Everyone who wants seats on the coach from Aberdeen Beach Ballroom via Stonehaven, Stracathro, Dundee Tesco Kingsway, Dunfermline Halbeath P&R and Edinburgh Hermiston P&R will have them.
    • Everyone who wants seats on the coach from Glasgow Buchanan St, Strathclyde Park, Abington, and Lockerbie will have them.

Final invoices go out this weekend

Anyone who reckons they might have been missed out contact Chris or Martin this weekend!  

Bus times will be confirmed next weekend

There are still some tickets and  coach seats available

16 days to go 😄😄😄

So excited I could crush a grape!
Victory Through Harmony.
Martin O’Donnell
Club Secretary
Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club

Coaches/Tickets To Newcastle: Further Update

Newcastle v Arsenal

Reminder & for benefit of new members & guests

We don’t want to stop you having fun but ‘rules is rules’! And these are important for all travelling on our coaches on Monday 16th May to Newcastle and back. This applies whether in Scotland or England.
So please read them and later complain you didn’t know.


As per the Sporting Event (Control of Alcohol etc) Act 1985, anyone who has alcohol in their possession whilst travelling on a coach that is principally being used to take people to or from a match is guilty of an offence.  That includes ‘mixers’ …
There are provisions relating to the operators and also those who hire vehicles.
It is also an offence to be drunk on such a vehicle whether or not the person is in possession of alcohol.
Our coaches will be therefore have to be ‘stewarded’ by Club Reps and behaviour will be monitored.
You can of course consume alcohol before you board our coaches (just be reasonable!) and alcohol is served within the St James Park stadium.
So there you have it. If you really want to drink alcohol while travelling please DO NOT travel with us.
The act also prohibits fireworks.

Coach Times

    • From Aberdeen 1.00pm departure
      Picking up at Dundee, Perth, Dunfermline, Edinburgh and other request stops. [details notified to those booking]
    • From Glasgow Bus Station 3.30pm departure
      Picking up at Strathclyde Park, Abington services, Lockerbie and other request stops. [details notified to those booking]

Match Tickets

Tickets will NOT be posted but handed out on the day at the turnstiles.
We will reserve the right not to issue match tickets without refund to anyone who decides to bend the rules. Members doing do will be subject to our disciplinary procedures and may be banned from future tickets and banned altogether from the club. Members are to be responsible for their guests!
Victory Through Harmony.
Martin O’Donnell
Club Secretary
Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club

Upcoming Club Election

Notice of election process for Club Chair and other Executive posts.

All Club Members should now have received details.

Please check this out, searching in your spam and junk folders if necessary.

Dave Harrold is stepping down as Club Chair and nominations to fill that vacancy closed on 31 March.

Our present Constitution also provides for annual election for all Executive posts. Martin O’Donnell and Alan Speed have indicated their willingness to continue for another year in their respective capacity of Club Secretary and Club Treasurer. Any other member wishing to stand for election to those posts has until midday on April 28th to say so, replying directly to the Club Secretary, supplying the name of a proposer (allowing self-nomination) and a seconder plus a short supporting statement.

Four candidates, all current and paid-up members, are standing for election as the next Club Chair of Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club. In alphabetical order of surname, they are:

Chris Alexander, Linda Collie, Alan Reid & Connor Shepherd.

I’m sure we would all agree that it is a credit to our Club that we have four willing to undertake this role.

On May 1st (or thereabouts) each member of the Club will be sent an email with the means of voting and will also be re-sent the supporting statements for each of the candidates.

Finally, the Report of the Ballot will appear as an item on the AGM agenda and our present Chair, Dave Harrold, will call for proposer and seconder for formal acceptance

– and Bingo we will have a new, incoming Chair for Arsenal Scotland 😉


Peter Burnhill

Acting Returning Officer for Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club
17 April 2022




UPDATE: Coach Travel To Toon


Tickets are now available

As of today, 12th April, any member on Chris’s list will receive members tickets as requested.
Travel By Coaches
You should now confirm to Chris whether or not you intend to travel on one of our two coaches:
1. From Aberdeen
1.00pm departure, picking up at Dundee, Perth, Dunfermline, Edinburgh and other request stops.
2, From Glasgow Bus Station
3.30pm departure, picking up at Strathclyde Park, Abington services, Lockerbie and other request stops.
All times are to be confirmed. More updates to follow !

Tickets for the Toon!

Date for the Diary

Calling All The Lads & Lasses Away To The Toon!

The final Away game of the Season, just after the North London Derby & before the Home match against Everton, Monday, May 16th is a Red Letter Day for members of Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club!

The nearest we get to a local fixture, Away against the Barcodes of Newcastle United at St James’

 Something to look forward to after setbacks and resolve that


On the plus side, fewer Gooners from ‘Down Souf’ might want to face a long trip to Newcastle and back on a Monday night 😉
So, it is up to us to ensure that we fill up that top tier at St James Park and sing our lungs out to pull our team over the line and hopefully into the Champions League. Might even be St Totteringhams Day?
Tickets are dribbling in and availability looking better for ASSC members. 👍🏻
We are seriously looking into running two coaches:
    1. from Aberdeen through Dundee, Perth, Dunfermline and Edinburgh.
    2. from Glasgow Queen Street, by Strathclyde Park, Abington, Lockerbie and Gretna then along to Newcastle.
But we need names down to cover the cost of the coaches!.
Its a rubbish time on a Monday night but its the last trip of the season so treat it like your cup final.

Make your plans now

Get your time off work and send your name & squad number with your request by text to Chris Alexander.

New deadline for tickets is Friday 15th April. 

If nothing else, be Ramsdale.

Solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Everyone at Arsenal stands in solidarity with the people affected by the crisis in Ukraine.

Today (March 11) Arsenal Football Club announced donation to Save the Children’s DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, an emergency fund which aims to reach millions of vulnerable families and children.

You can donate to Save the Children’s Ukraine appeal here.

Arsenal is launching a first ever Arsenal Ukraine Supporters’ Club and is encouraging fans across the world to join up in solidarity, and to donate what they can o Save the Children when doing so.

You can sign up to Arsenal Ukraine Supporters’ Club here.

Arsenal Scotland supports the following statement made by Arsenal Football Club

Gooner Supporting Ukraine

We believe that in times of immense difficulty, there is strength in unity. That’s why, after a suggestion from fans, we’re launching the Arsenal Ukraine Supporters’ Club and encouraging our fans from around the world to join in solidarity.

We’ve also been in discussions with our global charity partner, Save the Children, to better understand the heartbreaking situation and where support is most needed. We’ve all learnt that the conflict in Ukraine is forcing children and families into basements and bomb shelters to escape explosions. Many families are being forced to flee their homes and cross into nearby countries with minimal possessions. They need help with shelter, food, and the most basic human necessities.

As a club, we have donated to Save the Children’s , and we’re asking our supporters around the world to donate what they can when they join our newly formed Arsenal Ukraine Supporters’ Club.

You can sign up to Arsenal Ukraine Supporters’ Club here.

You can donate to Save the Children’s Ukraine appeal here.

As the conflict in Ukraine unfolds, Save the Children’s emergency response aims to reach 3.5 million vulnerable children and their families. They’re already supporting families arriving at the borders of Poland, Lithuania and Romania by:

•    Providing urgent, life-saving aid including cash, food and water
•    Setting up safe spaces where refugee children can play, learn and cope with grief and loss
•    Supporting refugees at five reception centres in Romania

Funds raised will help their teams to keep supporting families by:

•    Distributing essential supplies and winter kits of clothing and blankets as temperatures plunge below freezing
•    Providing cash and vouchers assistance to families to meet basic needs like food, rent and medicines
•    Offering vital mental health and psychological support to children and their families
•    Providing access to safe, inclusive, quality education

The creation of Arsenal Ukraine Supporters’ Club and our collective donations to Save the Children follows the support we have already shown including Ukrainian flag armbands worn by our men’s and women’s captains during fixtures, lighting up Emirates Stadium blue and yellow, and a ‘moment of solidarity’ which was delivered during the men’s match v Watford and women’s match against Reading last week.

At our men’s home fixture against Leicester City on Sunday – our first men’s home game since the conflict in Ukraine began – we will also conduct a ‘moment of solidarity’ ahead of kick off.

So we ask our supporters around the world to unite with us in showing solidarity with people in Ukraine. Please make any donation you can to support the urgent needs of children and families there.

Thank you for your generosity.

Vinai Venkatesham
CEO, Arsenal Football Club

Social Media

A friendly reminder about social media conduct and responsibility.

We remind everyone that the various Arsenal Scotland social media platforms are solely for discussions about The Arsenal Football club and The Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club – nothing else.

In the distant past we had trouble with posts outside these parameters and we established these rules to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and conflict.

Please stick to them, thanks COYG!

Club Secretary

Requests for Tickets for Newcastle Away

Members please take note

You need to plan well ahead for Newcastle v Arsenal

This game in May is likely to be the last Away match of the Season, check with Arsenal FC.

We therefore anticipate a very high demand for tickets and expect that a ballot draw will be required.

For this reason we will restrict tickets to ‘members only’.

There will also be a special request window for Newcastle v Arsenal tickets: from 27th March until 9pm on 10th April.

So please note those dates in your diaries!

Requests should be made to Chris, as normal, from 27th March. Any requests made after 10th April will go on a reserve list and will not be included in the ballot.

IF we can source more tickets, then priority will be offered first to those unsuccessful in the ballot, and then the reserve list.


Requests for any other games follow usual procedure: 4 to 3 weeks prior to the game.

David Danskin, Arsenal and Scotland

We are delighted to share this article about David Danskin, the founder of the team that became The Arsenal, written by one of his descendants, Alistair Firth.

It will appear in the Scotland Epistles Football Magazine 

Click below for the

David Danskin article in Scotland Epistles Football Magazine Issue 16

Scotland Epistles Football Magazine, for followers of the Scotland national football team past and present, can also be found in FaceBook and on Twitter.

David Danskin is recognised by Arsenal FC as an important part of its history. He is also an important part of the history of Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club.

Blue Plaque David Danskin


Dave Harrold Steps Up

We are all extremely proud to learn that Dave Harrold, Chair of Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club, has been voted onto the Arsenal Supporters Forum.  He will serve as the representative on behalf all Arsenal Supporters Clubs across the UK and Ireland for the next three seasons.

The Forum is the key platform for fans and supporters of The Arsenal worldwide to interact with the Club, meeting three or four times a season to discuss a wide range of issues which include ticketing, pricing, policing, community activities and supporters’ complaints procedures. Continue reading “Dave Harrold Steps Up”