Privacy, Data Protection & GDPR


We need to draw to your attention to matters required under the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which have been made into UK Law.

Please read the ASSC Privacy Policy and related GDPR documents:

Privacy Policy

Website Terms of Use

These indicate, among other things, that by providing an email address (and any updated email address) you are understood to have agreed that ASSC, including members of its Management Committee, may use that to communicate with you on Club business.

You may withdraw your permission at any time by notifying ASSC via

Squad of Regional Reps Now Complete

Regional Reps are there to help you organise local get-togethers for matches and social/charity events. 
The full list of Regional Representatives is found under the ‘Committee/Region Reps’ tab.
Welcome to Billy, Jamie, Ally and Mikey!

Roll on the new season. We only do it for The Arsenal!

Dave Harrold
Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club

Membership Manager

From Dave, ASSC Chair

I am very pleased to report that Mike Buchanan has volunteered to take on the role of Membership Manager. That completes our team – lets hope our football club is as effective in its recruitment! COYG!

Mike continues to be the contact for Home match tickets.


Update from Martin, Club Secretary

On Sunday I reported to our Chair Dave Harrold and our Treshzz Alan Speed that our membership has been updated and verified  as we end our 17th season as Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club.
In spite of Covid, no ticket availability, a failing website and generally less interest, our membership sits at 426 which is just 84% of where it was two years ago. That is not too shabby!
Following new requests I have sent out ten application forms for new members to join. The form is now also available on the repaired and updated website.

Check that out under the Join tab

On Wednesday Aberdeen and Grampian ‘Regional Rep’ Linda Collie and I sat in on the Supporters Clubs meeting with Arsenal where we got the chance to speak with Scotland Ladies Vice Captain and Arsenal Ladies Captain Kim Little.
During this meeting the Arsenal Supporters Club’s liaison officer Mark Brindle publicly stated that Arsenal Scotland were “the standard to follow” in respect to how supporters clubs should continue to conduct themselves and have our members meetings in these challenging times of the pandemic. We can proud of that but do need to keep up our own standards.
Now we look forward to the next season and we hope that our membership will get more involved with the Club, not only in applying for tickets but in having virtual members discussions in local areas and across all of Scotland. We are currently looking into social media communications to achieve this and will report in due course.
We are looking for ideas on charity fundraising, or maybe just to have some banter and a laugh with other Gooners. Someday maybe get 5’s and 11 a sides going again. We need ideas for Club merchandise on sustainable ‘no profit’ basis, ideas for badges, banners, tee shirts, hoodies, scarves, caps, etc.
You come up with good ideas and the Club will do what it can to support them.
With 426 members we should have plenty of good ideas, so get in touch with either Dave Harrold, ASSC Chair, or myself, Martin O’Donnell, ASSC Secretary.

We’re Back!

From Dave Harrold, Chair of Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club


After a very difficult couple of years I am very pleased to announce the website is up and running, thanks to Peter Burnhill for all his work on that. As some of you may know the email address for the Chair of ASSC has been badly compromised, my apologies for any dodgy emails you have received from the ASSC Chair. Peter is on the case and the email addresses have been changed. The website is very much work in progress and it will be further developed over the next few months. I know we have a very active FB page, but not everybody is on FB so the website will be the best source of ASSC information regarding membership, tickets and events etc.


Martin has done a brilliant job in updating the membership database, if you think your details may be out of date contact Martin at

It was agreed at the recent AGM that all 2020/21 memberships would be rolled over to the 2021/22 season and the new membership cards will be issued this month. If you haven’t got yours by the end of July let Martin know at the above address.

Regional Representatives

I want to get the Regional Representatives meetings up and running, I think there is an opportunity to use virtual meetings to build up the club spirit.


Following on from the above I have asked Peter Burnhill to review the best methods of communicating with members and Arsenal.

If you have a view on how we could improve communications, please contact Peter at 


I know we have been inundating with emails from ASSC, apologies for that but we needed to get things up and running. Before the start of the new season I would like to send a survey to all members seeking your views on a range of ASSC topics.



Dave Harrold



6 June 2021


We held our Annual General Meeting via Zoom on Sunday 23rd May, at which Accounts were presented and accepted and a new Executive elected:

Dave Harrold was newly elected as Club Chairman

Martin O’Donnell was newly elected as Club Secretary

Alan Speed was returned as Treasurer