Upcoming Fixtures & Ticket Information

Fellow members:

As this season moves towards its finale, andone which we all hope will be a huge success for Arsenal, here is some important information about requests for the remaining match ticket, including the deadlines for making requests.
This means:
The following deadline dates will not change even if the actual fixture dates are changed for TV purposes. In match-date order, the fixtures and corresponding deadlines are:
Man City Away – Fixture 26th April  Tier 1 match 
All Tiers may apply however Tier 1 members are drawn as priority.
Deadline date 29th March 3.00pm
* Window now open
Chelsea Home – Fixture 29th April  Tier 1 match 
All Tiers may apply however Tier 1 members are drawn as priority.
Deadline date 1st April 3.00pm
* Window now open
Newcastle Away – Fixture 6th May  Tier 1 match 
All Tiers may apply however Tier 1 members are drawn as priority.
Deadline date 8th April 3.00pm
* Window now open
Brighton Home – Fixture 13th May Tier 1&2 match 
All Tiers may apply however Tier 1 and Tier 2 members are drawn as priority.
Window open 1st April to Deadline date 15th April 3.00pm
Nottingham Forest Away – Fixture 20th May  Tier 1, 2 and 3 
All Tiers may apply.
Window open 8th April to Deadline date 22nd April 3.00pm
Wolves Home – Fixture 28th May
All Tiers may apply however Tier 1 and Tier 2 members are drawn as priority.
Window open 16th April to Deadline date 30th April 3.00pm

Arsenal’s Top Four at The Willow’s

Arsenal Sweeps In As Winners

Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club is delighted to share the praise given to the winners of the London Football Awards, as hosted by The Willow Foundation on 13th March.

That the awards for Manager, Player, Young Player and Goalkeeper all went to Arsenal’s Fab Four is both impressive and well deserved.

But we are  just as happy to see that The Willow Foundation maintains its high profile, as it should do, inspired by Megs Wilson and our club Honorary President Bob Wilson.

The Willow Foundation provides Special Days and Treats for seriously ill 16 to 40 year olds. Bob, of course, is an Arsenal Legend who represented Scotland as goalkeeper.

Arsenal Scotland are proud to be associated with Bob and over some 15 years, our club have raised and donated around £40,000 to the Willow Foundation.

Martin, Club Secretary

Scam Ticket Alert 

Scam Ticket Alert 

We have had report of a ticket scam for Home matches for some of our members.

The supposed sellers, making out that they were from another Supporters Club [*], ask for a deposit which they then don’t refund.

If you have been affected by this, please contact Martin, our Club Secretary:


* We would like to thank the Arsenal West Midlands Supporters Club for alerting us to this.

Match Ticket Requests

All Members should note!

Tickets To See The Arsenal

Please ensure that you only apply between 4 and 6 weeks before the date of the fixture, as is as standard procedure.

The work of the Ticket Team is now much more demanding, so we are are not  “putting names down” or making up any ticket lists for any Arsenal game more than 6 weeks away. Any such requests are being ignored and deleted.

If in doubt, before sending you request, double-check with the fixture list on the Arsenal FC website,

Remember, earlier lists of fixtures can change as deals are done with the broadcasters.




Twas the Season for Giving

Blessed with The Arsenal being TOTL …

… during the countdown to Christmas, and wanting to share the joy,
Gooners in Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club (ASSC) made their annual donations to local and deserving beneficiaries.
ASSC covers all regions of Scotland, and the Reps from each local group were enabled to chose how to use their donations of £1,250 in cash or in kind.
Gifts were made to the following:

The Hermeny Education Trust in Edinburgh

Instant Neighbour / Giving Tree for children in Aberdeen

The Childrens Unit at Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy

The Trussell Trust Foodbank appeal in Glasgow

The largest donation was made collectively by several club areas to:

Team Lukas fundraising initiative.

This will help Lukas Thomson, the son of one of our members, return to the NAPA Center in Los Angeles to have further specialist treatment. 
In 2017, Lukas become unwell with a virus which attacked his heart resulting in myocarditis. He later went into cardiac arrest, requiring 30 minutes of CPR and placed on an ECMO (heart and lung bypass) machine, saving his life. Lukas also suffered a stroke following the cardiac arrest. Four months followed in the neuro rehabilitation ward where he had to relearn how to talk, eat and move.
Lukas has worked so hard and can now stand, and walk a little with assistance.
His goal is to be able to run around the garden with his younger sister, something we all take for granted. It is hoped that more specialist treatment will help Lukas achieve his goal.

Tis The Season To Be Hopeful

Seasons Greetings Gooners!

May I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year.

Not only looking forward to the Festivities but at last a chance to watch The Arsenal Play on Boxing Day, by one means or another.

I’d particularly like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding during what has been a very challenging period for ticketing for Club members. Your messages of support and gratitude to the Ticket Team is very much appreciated.

I would especially like to thank Martin O`Donnell, personally and on your behalf, for all his  on going work with Arsenal FC regarding tickets for supporters clubs.

Finally, have great festive period, enjoy that We Are Top of The League! and stay safe.

Your Chairman

Chris Alexander


Ballots Likely For All Home Match

All members please note

It is most likely that all requests for tickets for Home matches will have to be balloted, with immediate effect and until further notice.

This is because requests from Supporters Clubs are being heavily capped by Arsenal Football Club. This applies to all Supporters Clubs. This is a recent change in policy and all Supporters Clubs are likely to be challenging this.

As far as Away matches are concerned, we are playing this one game at a time.

Important Announcement from Club Secretary

8th November 2022

To All 588 Members :

Over the course of last season and this current season we have seen a step increase in new Members joining the Club . We have also seen an increase in the demand for match tickets against a gradual reduction of tickets which are made available to our Club.

The result being that many games have had to have a ballot for tickets. It has also been noted that long standing Club Members, some as long as 18 seasons are competing for tickets in balloted games with new Members. Nothing wrong with that when there are enough tickets however as a Club we have a duty to consider those Members who supported Arsenal through the hard times.

We have noted also that many new Members seem to join for a couple of seasons, attend a couple of games and then fail to renew.

For this reason after many weeks of discussion the Club are introducing a Tiered Membership.

It has also been noted that many Members place requests for multiple games, balloted or not. And when accepted these same Members often withdraw their requests leaving the Ticket Team with last minute work to redistribute the tickets. It also serves to put off Members who do really want to go to the games but decide not to place a request.

For this reason the Club are introducing substantial deposits for ticket requests for all games.

We have also agreed to close the Membership such that new applications for Membership will only take place over June and July each Summer.

With the World Cup break almost upon us the Executive and the Management Committee of Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club have taken this opportunity over the past few weeks to discuss, propose and agree in the majority the following changes to the Club.

ITEM 1  – Introduction of Membership Tiers 

From today. 8th November 2022, Arsenal Scotland will adopt a new 3 tier membership system:

Tier 1: Members having a continuous 24+ months as a Member of the supporters club, are able to request tickets to ALL games subject to availability.

Tier 2: Members having a continuous 12-24 months membership of the supporters club, are able to request tickets to Cat B and Cat C games subject to availability, as well as being considered for Cat A games should there be more of a supply than demand for tickets.

Tier 3: Members with less than 12 months membership in the supporters club, are able to request tickets to Cat C games subject to availability, as well as being considered for Cat A and Cat B games should there be more of a supply than demand for tickets.

Please Note

Any Member who breaks their continuous membership, or misses any deadlines for renewals will then have to re-apply as a new Member and start again from Tier 3.

This means that renewals MUST be paid on time before 31st July each Summer.

As we are looking to implement this in the middle of the season, we do appreciate that this decision will not be accepted by some new Members and as such, we will offer any new Member who has joined for the 2022/23 season a full refund on their membership if they are not happy with this new system and who wish to resign their membership.

Match Categories

Cat A Games are defined as follows:

  • All Premier League Home games
  • All Premier League Away games
  • All League Cup ties   – Excluding Finals*
  • All FA Cup ties  – Excluding Finals*
  • All European fixtures  – Excluding Finals*

Cat B Games are defined as follows:

  • Cat B Premier League Home games (using Arsenal’s classification on their website)
  • Premier League Away games – Excluding certain games (This season for example –  Man U, Man City, Liverpool, Tottenham and Chelsea)
  • League Cup ties  versus Cat B opposition –  Excluding Finals
  • FA Cup ties versus Cat B opposition – Excluding Finals
  • European fixtures etc versus Cat B opposition – Excluding Finals

Cat C Games are defined as follows:

  • Cat C Premier League Home games (using Arsenal’s classification on their website)
  • Premier League Away games – Excluding certain games (This season for example – Newcastle, Leeds, Man U, Man City, Liverpool, Everton, Tottenham and Chelsea)
  • League Cup ties  versus Cat C level opposition – Excluding semi finals and Finals
  • FA Cup ties versus Cat C level opposition  – Excluding semi finals and Finals
  • European fixtures etc versus Cat C level opposition –  – Excluding semi finals and Finals

* Finals – we would most likely only get a tiny amount of tickets so the Management Committee would need to look at this item separately from the Membership levels.

ITEM 2  –  Deposit payments required on all ticket requests

From today 8th November 2022 Arsenal Scotland will ask that All Members pay a substantial deposit on all ticket requests for every ticket request for every game:

[Note: the next 2 week window for ticket requests is for West Ham starting from 14th November 2022]

All Members requests for tickets will be met with requests for deposits as below and payment must be made within 3 days by screenshot confirmation. If not, the request is turned down.

As is normal there are no guarantees as to how many tickets are available.

If the tickets are subject to ballots then of course those members unsuccessful through ballots would get a full 100% refund of their deposit.

When ticket requests are successful the balance of payment must be made within 3 days by screenshot confirmation.

Cat A HOME games – £50

Cat B HOME games – £40
Cat C HOME games – £30

All Away Premier league games – £30 (in effect the 100% deposit)

FA Cup, League Cup, Euro games  – subject to confirmation at the time but in principle at least £15 – £30.

ITEM 3 – Closing the Membership during the season  

We have also agreed thereafter to close the Membership to new applicants each calendar year from 31st July to 1st June.  In effect having a two month window in June and July for new applications to be approved and new Members added to the membership.

And there is more………………

In addition to the above changes Arsenal Scotland have updated and amended the Club Constitution and the Club Rules.

These are to be found here

Proposed Club Constitution 2022

The Club Constitution has been updated as attached and it will be published on the Arsenal Scotland Website and placed for formal approval by the membership at next year’s AGM.

Proposed Club Rules 2022

The Club Rules have been updated as attached and will shortly be published on the website.

Final Note

I know this is a lot to take in. Do believe me that a lot of hard work has gone into these decisions. We aim to offer fair membership to all Members in a professional manner and with full transparency.

Please direct all and any queries on the above to me.


Victory Through Harmony.

Martin O’Donnell

Club Secretary

Arsenal Scotland Supporters Club


Demand for Match Tickets

Important Advice for Members

For some months now we have been experiencing an increasing demand for tickets and a reducing source of tickets, both of course influenced by the results on the pitch. That is predictable and perfectly reasonable.

But we are also receiving a number of speculative requests for tickets and that is causing a lot of unnecessary work and in some cases unecessary ballot draws. Its also resulting in some unhappy members.

We want genuine ticket requests from members fully committed to want to go to see The Arsenal.

So with the World Cup break coming along the Ticket Team and the wider Management Committee will be using the break to take stock and review the procedure for members ticket requests.

We will share the outcome as a news blog on our website.

The aim is to implement changes in time for the West Ham ticket request period which will open from 14th November.

Martin O’Donnell
Club Secretary